Lindsay Lohan, I miss you.

Who else misses the Lindsay Lohan of yesterday? I loved her style so much more then. She usually got it right. She had/has this innate half I don’t care and half I thought of piecing these items together cool factor going on. – S x D


~ by stardustandsequins on April 16, 2010.

10 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan, I miss you.”

  1. loving her hair!!!!!!!

  2. Her style is unbeatable!
    I have something on my blog for you, you can check it out! xxx

  3. lindsay lohan is so. beautiful. i’m not even kidding.
    and the hair! <3

  4. I just miss her, period. She is such a good actress and it’s gone down the toilet now.

  5. I miss her too. I hope she’ll make more movies soon. Looking forward to seeing her in machete. Hope all is well for her and hope the best for her in the future.

  6. she used to have great style.. poor girl.

  7. yes i miss her too , i used to love her outfits..

  8. […] Lindsay Lohan, I miss you. « Stardust and Sequins […]

  9. yeah lindsey is badass. love her look in the first 2 photos

  10. loving the karl one!!!

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