It’s Friday!! It’s Friday!!




I feel like shouting. I know everybody likes Friday but my favorite day of the week is Monday. I hate the weekend, because then I have to be with him. And them. And it’s boring and annoying and I was just want to twist away and leave them all, do my own thing. Oh well. In two shakes of a lamb’s tail Monday shall be here. – S x D

~ by stardustandsequins on August 14, 2009.

9 Responses to “It’s Friday!! It’s Friday!!”

  1. Very nice!

  2. I feel your pain, dear. Weekends mean nonstop time with the ‘rents. They call it bonding, I call it torture.

  3. these pictures are absolutely amazingggg!!

    <3 The Voguette

  4. this is unrelated to your post, but so you know – your “dreams” quote was actually written by Langston Hughes.

  5. Monday is my favorite day too. Finally an escape!

  6. Love the second dress! So pretty. :)


  7. im loving the pics. gorgeous.

  8. as normal as her hair looks in the first picture
    i REALLY like it
    these are great looks

  9. Wow, those are some really big eyebrows!! but they work it!

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