MK in Leather


I want that, need that coat!! So Dior and so Chanel all at once. MK is such a rockstar!! –SxD

OlsenFiles is the Source for the image in my graphic.

~ by stardustandsequins on February 18, 2009.

6 Responses to “MK in Leather”

  1. perfect with a P!

  2. :))

  3. Maybe it’s a monclere gamme rouge!
    Love it so!
    xo xo

  4. I agree- ever since I saw that pic, I’ve been craving the stylish warmth of that piece!

  5. I love that outfit! Why can’t I look that cool when i’m bundled up? Gosh, haha.

  6. AH! love it!
    i so want that Alex W bag

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